Sunday, July 25, 2010


Zeus was allotted the dominion of the sky,having waged war against Kronos and the other Titans. Zeus caused the Trojan war,so that the load of death might empty the world. Zeus got the thunderbolt,his ultimate weapon,made by the cyclopes. Both Gaia and Uranus foretold Kronos that he would be dethroned by his own sons. To avoid this sad fate,he swwallow his children at birth. This bizarre behavior,however,enraged his wife Rhea,who being pregnant with Zeus,went to Crete and gave birth to him in a cave of Dicte. In the meantime,Rhea wrapped a stone in clothes and gave it to Kronos to swallow,as if it was the newborn child. This is how Kronos,the second ruler of the universe,was deceived. Amalthea was one of Zeus's nurses. She was a naiad,famous in the Cretan Mount Ida,who nursed Zeus when the newborn god had to be concealed and protected from his father Kronos,who,out of fear asked metis to against his father,and she gave Kronos a drug that forced him to disgorge the stone and the children he had swallowed. And with the aid of his brothers and sisters,Zeus waged war against Kronos and the Titans,and being victorious,Zeus became the ruler of heaven. Metis turned into many shapes to avoid Zeus's embraces,but she neverthless became his first wife.

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